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Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Nollywood Forever Website Makeover

The Nollywood Forever Movie Reviews website has undergone a makeover.

As some of you may be well aware last week there was a problem with the comments showing up on the site, as well as the fact that new comments couldn’t be made. So I rectified that but then I was looking at the site and thinking it needs a makeover so decided to revamp.

Everything is still more or less the same but laid out differently. All of the website pages like the A-Z Movie Review Index and How Nollywood took Over My Life are on the first navigation bar right at the top of the site. Next to that is also a search box, should you be searching for anything. The next navigation bar (the black one) lower down contains all the categories from Must Watch to Bin It.

The new site has a sliding feature box which will contain any of the posts that I think that people are most interested in, and then next is the most recent posts in category order, followed by the other recent posts.

At the very bottom of the site is a footer area containing Nollywood Stars, Recent Comments, Recent Posts and Nollywood Movie covers from Flickr.

On the sidebar we now have a subscription box which is a new feature. You can connect with me on Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, Flickr and Twitter. I stay tweeting so holla! You can also put in your email to receive updates that way or subscribe via RSS feed.

Also in the sidebar are the things that were there before like the Google Friend Connect Box, links to other sites and the latest comment excerpts. Additionally I have linked the NollywoodLove YouTube channel, so the latest video from their YouTube channel will show in the sidebar.

A little bit about NollywoodLove for all of those who don’t know about them, because myself I was confused:

We love Nollywood movies and want to spread them around the web. For Free.

Whaaaaaaat? For Free?

Yes for free. We have a partnership with YouTube which enables us to run adverts alongside or inside the movies you are watching. This means we will be able to ensure a film is free for NollywoodLovers globally.

Do we buy movies legally? A little clarification. Firstly. Yes, yes and yes! we have invested tens of thousands of dollars buying the right to stream movies on YouTube and the internet. These are multi year contracts which go directly to the film production houses. This is very different and many times more expensive than what used to happen (buying a market copy and simply uploading and sharing), and is patently illegal.


You can find further information about us at

For information about how we license and protect Nollywood content onilne check out our our Corporate dudes website.

So my people that is the new layout in a nutshell. Genevieve Nnaji’s eyes will no longer be looking at you when you log in. Tell me what you think? What do you like? What do you not like? Are there any suggestions that you would make for improvement?

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Category: Nollywood News

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