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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Midnight Confession

Mid-Night Confession

Nigerian Movie Review
Midnight Confession – 2011
Story, Screenplay & Director – Chikere Guide
Producer – Chikere Guide

Angela Okorie – Olivia
Nonso Diobi – Rex
Fred Peters – Saberstine
Ndidi Izuka – Young Olivia
Amaka Ike – Young Martina
Anita Joseph – Martina
Ejike Chinedu – Prof
Chikere Guide – Stanley
Tissy Nnachi – Dan

Portrayal of Women in Nollywood

NollywoodForever.Com Rating – 5%


Olivia played by Angela Okorie is keeping secrets from her husband Rex played by Nonso Diobi. One day she is faced with her past when one of her husband’s friends’ Stanley played by Chikere Guide recognises her. It turns out that she had been very wayward in her past and had robbed the man of 3 million, which was everything he had at that time, leaving his in abject poverty. He is now on a revenge mission and demanding 10 million, 1 million in interest for each of the 7 years that the money has been missing. Stanley threatens to reveal Olivia’s scandalous past if she does not pay up in 7 days. Will Olivia go to robbing her husband in order to save the marriage?

After Olivia and Rex have been for a fertility test. The doctor comes to house and says,

“Your fertility analysis shows that your womb has been tampered with”

Huh? How? Not very medical terminology for a doctor to use. He goes on to say,

“It was also ascertained that it was caused due to the series of abortions you’ve had”

How would a doctor come out and say this if he was not told this by the patient? How would this doctor know how many abortions that she has had or that her womb was damaged because of this reason? This scene is so so shoddy and the dialogue is crap crap crap. I just had to shake my head at the screen and wonder if I should press eject ASAP. The writers wanted to show that wife is not honourable but went about it in a very basic uncreative way.

After this scene it got even worse because the movie goes a step further to say that 7 professional doctors came with the result that the Olivia’s womb had been tampered with because of abortion. How effing insulting to the viewer. I’m not even a doctor and it sounded ridiculous to me. How can any of them confirm the womb damage is because of multiple abortions and none of them were her doctor? The lack of storyline research is frustrating and annoying.

Religion/ Childlessness
A pastor walks up to Olivia in the streets and says,

“Daughter of Zion, what is it that you are hiding that is hindering your blessings and giving your enemy powers over you?”

All because Olivia does not have children it is assumed that she is evil and up to no good. This movie sends out a very bad message. It is almost promoting the abuse of women that are childless and giving the message that childless women are that way through fault of their own, because they have done something bad. That is a very dangerous and ignorant path to tread.

The movie even gets in a whole thing about masturbation being evil and blah blah blah. *yawn* I tire o. This film reads like Christian propaganda for the intellectually challenged.

Incest/ Abuse
Oh look at this crap. Because the woman doesn’t sleep with his wife enough he goes to rape his daughter. I really cannot stand this movie. Chikere Guide you are an ingrate. How could you write this absolute drivel? Men do not rape THEIR OWN CHILDREN because their wives to not sleep with them enough. Men fuck kids because they are paedophiles. POINT BLANK and to suggest otherwise is absolutely ignorant.

Treatment of women
When the blame for a FATHER ABUSING HIS CHILD is not being put on the mother for not sleeping with her husband enough, it is put on the CHILD. She is made out to be a seductress. Even as an adult they have her recounting her father raping her and telling her husband “my father was fond of me” What the fuck??? For real? This is how you refer to rape and incest? I’m pissed.

The Cast
Chikere Guide cannot act but he put himself in his own film. Wondiaful. NOT. Angela Okorie and Nonso Diobi did the best that they could but they couldn’t save such trash. I’m a bit disappointed that Nonso would read the script and agree to partake in this. He is established so I would expect more. I would expect that he would not take any old script that comes along. Angela Okorie I am giving a pass because she is up and coming and may not be able to command as much as Nonso just yet. Everybody gotta eat right?


I would so NOT recommend this stupid useless and idiotic movie. The script was not well thought out at all. Chikere Guide you should be ashamed for putting this CRAP out there. The script is stupidly bad. I was shaking my head from beginning to end. The sound was low and sometimes static, and even in parts there was a howling screechy noise in the back This movie is just awful put simply, especially the storyline and script. What is in your mind Chikere Guide. I hope NEVER to be assaulted by a from from you AGAIN. By the time I got to part 2 I was ready for it to be over. It was so sad I bought KFC to watch this crap. Felt like a total waste as I was put off my juicy chicken. Chikere Guide also did Before The Ring. I mean that was a bad movie but this tops it majorly. THUMBS SIX FEET UNDER!

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Category: Nollywood Film Reviews, Watch? No bin it!

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